Making Your First Job Your Dream Job

By: Clare Maxfield


345 258.75

ISBN: 9788183281324

Number of pages: 196

Weight: 300 grams

Dimensions: 21.59 X 13.97 X 1.27 cm

Binding: Paperback

This book includes tools for you to discover your own strengths and weaknesses before your employer does and to help you discover which fields you may be most suited to. It gives you guidance on how to maximize your impact during an interview to help you get the job you want.It will guide you through everything you need to know from finding your first job, making a good impression at work, understanding how to network and the reality of office politics. It will show you how to get a promotion or if necessary find the next job on your ladder to success. This book doesn’t just help you one step of the way; it will guide you through the steps to building your career.

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