Master Your Potential

By: Thibaut Meurisse


345 258.75

ISBN: 9788183286145

Number of pages: 168

Weight: 300 grams

Dimensions: 21.5 X 14 X 2 cm


What if you are just one belief away from living the life you want? What if you could radically transform your life by shifting your beliefs about success or money? In 'Master Your Potential' you will discover 50 sneaky limiting beliefs that stop you from having the life you genuinely want. More specifically, you will learn: Why you are always far more capable than you think; how to uncover the limiting beliefs sabotaging your effort right now; the 6 unconscious beliefs that dramatically reduce your earning potential; the 13 beliefs you must adopt to skyrocket your level of success; the 4 words that kill your chance of success; how to transform your life by creating an Identity Map (and what that is); and much more.

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