Cooking at Home with Pedatha and Sukham Ayu in partnership with her friend Pratibha Jain to her credit. She launched Devaniya as the first Kathak dance school of Chennai in Nov 2009, now officially certified as the founder school of the Dakshin Gharana of Kathak. In January 2020, Jigyasa was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for her contribution to Kathak in Chennai by the Amir Khusro Sangeet Academy. Her blog, The Cosmos Whispers, is an interesting space weaving narratives in dance, poetry, and story-telling. She is deputy managing trustee of Satya Surabhi Trust which runs a school in Kodaikanal called My School Satya Surabhi for children of farm labourers and petty vendors.
"> Cooking at Home with Pedatha and Sukham Ayu in partnership with her friend Pratibha Jain to her credit. She launched Devaniya as the first Kathak dance school of Chennai in Nov 2009, now officially certified as the founder school of the Dakshin Gharana of Kathak. In January 2020, Jigyasa was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for her contribution to Kathak in Chennai by the Amir Khusro Sangeet Academy. Her blog, The Cosmos Whispers, is an interesting space weaving narratives in dance, poetry, and story-telling. She is deputy managing trustee of Satya Surabhi Trust which runs a school in Kodaikanal called My School Satya Surabhi for children of farm labourers and petty vendors." />